Sunday, July 13, 2008

Is the Wii Fit a good tool for physical rehab??

Recovering from an illness can be challenging having to relearn basic motor skills, movement, walking, anything that involves active daily living activities, i.e. dressing, bathing, eating, brushing teeth, combing your hair, and toileting. To be functional independent many times people have to work many hours to regain what they have lost. Usually a patient receives several hours of therapy a day to help reach their goals.
The Nintendo Wii can be utilized in nursing homes or rehabilitation centers in a fun and relaxing way. Some people are unable to use their legs but can use their arms to play the Nintendo Wii Fit games to help assist with using both extremities.
The Wii can help assist therapist's patients to work on many skills in a social and relaxing environment. The Wii can be utilized in a group or individual settings. To increase upper extremity movements, patients can engage in tennis, boxing, bowling, fishing, baseball and others games. By using the Wii this will enforce what they have learned in therapy. This will increase range of motion flexibility and strength. Also the Wii Balance board can be used for losing weight and improving your standing balance and upper body strength through stretching, aerobic movements, yoga, stamina, through game playing. Even the driving games can help with hand and eye coordination and reflexes. This may improve your social interaction and hand and eye coordination. Even the Wii Guitar Hero game can be played standing or sitting which will improve fine motor skills, posture and balance.
Get fit with many activities and exercises, including strength training, aerobics, and yoga and balance games using the Nintendo Wii. The game balance board can be used to get in shape and improve your balance. Exercise workouts may decrease your weight, and increase your cardio stamina as you work your way through a variety of challenges. Check your Body Mass Index (BMI), see your Wii Fit Age and keep tabs on your daily progress towards a more fit for you.
The positive thing about the Nintendo Wii people want to continue to engage in these games to help their overall mobility, flexibility and strength.
Ralph Walker
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